What is your personality and how do you study? 4 types of diagnoses!
Which study method is right for you? Find out what type of study method works best for you and study more efficiently.
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If you have a deadline…

Any changes to the schedule...

When I set goals…

Meeting new people is…

Speaking in front of an audience is...

When I start working on something...

Mischievous and cool adventurer Type
Adventurers are intuitive, image-oriented, and can act on inspiration on a whim. He is moody and has waves of concentration, so he temporarily concentrates to the extreme, but he also loses interest quickly. For this reason, it is sometimes misunderstood by parents and teachers as "unserious". However, by understanding and applying the "adventurer-type study method" that suits you, there is a possibility that studying will become more enjoyable. For example, rather than creating a detailed schedule every day, a rough plan such as "achieve this in one week" is better for them. In addition, homework is often done immediately after it is given or just before the deadline. As a study environment, a living room or café with a lot of people is more suitable than a quiet room, and materials with a lot of visual elements and short sentences with conclusions are preferred. In discussions, he uses his intuition to lead the way and often acts as a mood maker.

Calm and soothing artist type
Artistic types are intuitive and imaginative and can concentrate for long periods of time on things that interest them, but tend to be distracted by things that don't interest them. They can get lost in thought after hours of study in a daze. Worrying and feeling anxious can lower performance, but deciding "I'm only going to do this today" and taking breaks can help keep one's focus. Setting a timer on your phone or changing your study location is also effective. Also, while a rough plan such as "I will finish this range in a week" is suitable for learning, starting early for exams and homework can reduce anxiety and help you focus. They prefer visual aids and short presentations of key points, and find it easier to concentrate on a few thin textbooks. Although they may appear quiet, they can play an important role in discussions and have the ability to calm down.

Active, firm, tactician type
Tactician types are good at thinking things through in sequence and can continue for long periods of time once they begin to concentrate. However, they are curious and have difficulty with monotonous tasks, so they tend to be tempted by a variety of temptations. While this type is based on a systematic approach to things, they sometimes neglect their studies because of their wide range of interests. They are not good at studying in a hurry before exams. It is effective to study regularly by setting a concrete daily plan and a basic time frame, such as "how much to do by when" and "what to do on which days to achieve this. It is also important to allow a little leeway in your planning.
A suitable place to study is in a quiet and concentrated environment. If you feel that studying is monotonous, a change of scenery, such as switching from your home to the library, can be effective. They prefer reference books with detailed explanations and those that do not leave out any details of what they are studying. However, they may easily feel uneasy about reference books with many pictures and diagrams, wondering if this is enough for them. At first, you may be at a loss as to how to discuss things, but once you get used to the way of speaking and the atmosphere of the place, you will be able to play an active role by demonstrating your own positive attitude.

Tight and hardworking craftsman type
Many artisan types do not have trouble studying for long periods of time, demonstrating sustained concentration. However, they also have a tendency to push themselves excessively. Their talent for concentrated, steady effort is outstanding, but they may have a hard time choosing what to prioritize and what to put off. When it comes to extensive study content, you may put too much effort into everything and end up studying too much. A style of planning and studying according to a daily schedule is a good fit. If you are aware of "priorities" and "crispness" when planning, your efforts will lead to better results.
The ideal study place is a quiet and calm environment, but you can also concentrate on the train or bus while traveling. We prefer study materials that provide detailed explanations and do not leave anything out. By carefully studying such material, they gain confidence that they are no longer stumped by problems. On the other hand, many people find discussion difficult, but if you learn how to speak, you will fit in and build trust as a dependable member of the team.